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Hot Banditoz

mp3 midi kup smsem kupuję

Znany zapewne wielu kawałek śpiewany w latach 80 przez kapelę Saragossa Band odświeżony w tym roku przez zespół Hot Banditoz: "A lonely beach and the sky The moon of Hawaii - Around her hips a Sarong We're always singing this song (ay yay yay!)...."

Fragment tekstu:
AGADOU - Hot Banditoz
(Writers: Behrie, Dalancray, Peram, Similee)

Agadou Dou Dou -
Push the Pineapple
shake the tree.
Agadou Dou Dou -
Push the Pineapple
grind coffee.
To the left - to the right
Jump up and down and to the knees
Come and dance every night
Sing with the hula melody. (Ahora a bailare poquito!)

I met a hot blooded Miss
Last summer in Waikiki
Where she was selling the Pine
And playing Yukulele.
And when I waved to the girl
Come on and teach me that sway
She la...

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