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James Blunt

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Po dwóch pięknych balladach "You're beautiful" i "High" Jamesa Blunta, radyjka grają kolejną - WISEMEN. Tak, jak poprzednie zrobiona w klimacie gitarowej ballady. Polecamy! ------------------------------------------ After two beautiful ballads "You're beautiful" and "High" of James Blunt, radioes play next - WISEMEN. As previous, made in the climate of guitar ballad. We recommend! "Look who's alone now, It's not me, it's not me. Those three Wise Men, they've got a semi by the sea. Got to ask yourself the question, where are you now? Got to ask yourself the question, where are you now?

Fragment tekstu:
WISEMEN - James Blunt
(Composed By: James Blunt / Jimmy Hogarth / S. Skarbek)

She said to me, "Go steady on me.
Won't you tell me what the Wise Men said?
When they came down from Heaven,
Smoked nine 'til seven,
All the shit that they could find,
But they couldn't escape from you,
Couldn't be free of you,
And now they know there's no way out,
And they're really sorry now for what they've done,
They were three Wise Men just trying to have some fun."

Look who's alone now,
It's not ...

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