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Itsy Bitsy Spider

Elize, ft. Jay Collin

mp3 midi kup smsem kupuję

ELIZE w roku ubiegłym wydała album 'In Control', na którym znajduje się mocno rytmiczny i taneczny kawałek ITSY BITSY SPIDER. Polecamy! ------------------------------------------------ ELIZE last year released an album 'In Control' in which there is a big rhythmic and dance song ITSY BITSY SPIDER. We recommend! Itsy, bitsy spider climbing on the wall Better watch your step on in her web you'll fall Spin you round in circles in a net of doubt Baby if you're stuck I'm done with you cause I won't get you out...

Fragment tekstu:
ITSY BITSY SPIDER - Elize, ft. Jay Collin
(Composed By: A. Bergstrom / N. Jannusi / RedOne / W. Johan)

[Itsy Bitsy Spider, waiting on the wall]
[You Better watch out or she will have you caught]

It is a constant strain, constant pain watching you deny
That her plans to catch you, stars when you tell lies
No matter how obvious you seem like you're blind
Can't you feel problems that creep up from behind

Baby, you are not a boy there are things that you should see
The strings she's t...

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