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Eh eh (nothing else I can say)

Lady GaGa

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Stefani Germanotta, piosenkarka amerykańska, również autorka tekstów i projektantka mody, ostatnio zawładnęła brytyjską sceną muzyczną. Od piosenki śpiewanej niegdyś przez Queen przyjęła pseudonim sceniczny LADY GAGA. Ostatni jej kawałek, który okupuje listy przebojów nosi tytuł EH EH (NOTHING ELSE I CAN SAY). Polecamy! - potuptać można! ------------------------------------ Lady GaGa, the American singer, mastered with the British musical scene. Last her song which occupies high places on lists of hits, has the title EH EH (NOTHING ELSE I CAN SAY). We recommend! Eh eh, eh eh There's nothing else I can say Eh eh, eh eh I wish you'd never looked at me that way Eh eh, eh eh There's nothing else I can say Eh eh, eh eh...

Fragment tekstu:
(Composed by: Martin Kierszenbaum, Stefani Germanotta)

Cherry cherry, boom boom

Boy we've had a real good time
And I wish you the best
On your way, eh eh

I didn't mean to hurt you
I never thought we'd fall
Out of place, eh eh

I have something that I love long long
But my friends keepa' tellin' me
That something's wrong then I met someone
And babe, there's nothing else I can say
Eh eh, eh eh
There's nothing else I can say
Eh ...

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